A list of my latest products and utilities, unless otherwise stated subject to the following license agreement.
Path Too Long Auto Fixer – is the 1st tool that discovers, reports and auto corrects filenames and paths that are too long to fit under the MAXPATH 260-character limit
Path Too Long Auto Fixer – is the 1st tool that discovers, reports and auto...Read more
Uniclip – copy Unicode text from cmd line to/from Windows clipboard and to Notepad++
Uniclip is an executable that guarantees coping of Unicode text (UTF-8) to and from...Read more
Solo SCRUM Sprinter App – demand task desc. every 30mins booking directly to Outlook Calendar
Solo SCRUM Sprinter App is a tiny Windows app that runs hidden in the system...Read more
decomet – remove comments fast, i.e. for CI/CD
decomet is a super fast command line to remove comments, Unicode whitespace and dedup...Read more
Administrative Tools Metro Tile, Control Panel “God Mode” Metro Tile, Windows Update Metro Tile , Windows Explorer Search Metro Tile for Windows 8+
New tiles include; Windows Explorer Search – go directly to Windows...Read more