Uniclip – copy Unicode text from cmd line to/from Windows clipboard and to Notepad++

Uniclip is an executable that guarantees coping of Unicode text (UTF-8) to and from the Windows clipboard from the command line. It’s an upgrade to the existing clip command with extra features including; word wrapping text (to fit the console window) and opening into Notepad (without using a file)! 

Conversion using Mozilla Universal Charset Detector to convert input to UTF-8. So CMD shell, piping, redirection will be converted now to UTF-8.

Copies and converts command line input text into UTF-8 ‘Unicode’ and pastes it to the Windows clipboard. Conversion using Mozilla Universal Charset Detector to convert input to UTF-8.  

Also these handy features: 

UNICLIP /notepad      Opens clipboard in Notepad
UNICLIP /fit                Word-wrap clipboard contents to fit current console window width

See my blog post for full details;
Metadata Consulting [dot] ca: New Command Line Exe : Uniclip – Copy Unicode text to/from Windows clipboard